Sarah Schubert

Year @ Hope: Junior
Major(s): Communications + a dabbling in a couple of art minors
Hometown: Enon, OH
Interests: I love:• stickers, knick-knacks, and other lifelong, cherish-able mementos• film photography• bright colors! particularly chartreuse• tree swings• Green Army Guys from LJ’s
Why you joined WTHS: I joined WTHS on an educated whim after choosing Hope for a few reasons; WTHS being one of them. Being a part of an organization with as much creative freedom and not only campus but Holland-wide, musical history as WTHS was truly one of the most person-defining decisions I’ve made. I cannot tout enough about the sense of self-expressive belonging being involved with WTHS has garnered for me. I don’t know about you, but I believe WTHS has yet to be all that it is meant to be. Stay tuned for it all! xoxo
Favorite Music: How can any girl decide…• Alex G• Junior Mesa• Babehoven• Odie Leigh• Animal Collective
Show and Time: A Pinch of Us on Mondays @ 9 pm